This page contains links to documents authored by project members, to software programs and components developed by the project, and to other tools we've found useful and collected here for your convenience.
Each entry has a title, a summary, a list of authors, a date of publication or when it was last updated, a distribution designation, and links to the material in various formats. Each entry also has its bookmark noted, to help authors making links to it from other web pages.
Design for Main Controller Program
The initial design document for the core component of the project's software. Now obsolete, but useful for historical purposes.
By: ALastName, BLastName, and CLastName Date: March 17, 1995 Distribution: Internal Formats: .ps (1,480 k), .doc (128 k), HTML Bookmark: MainControllerDesign
Specifications for the XYZ Component
Up-to-date engineering spec for the XYZ component. This document is always kept in sync with software updates.
By: BLastName Last updated: August 9, 1995 Distribution: Internal Formats: HTML Bookmark: XYZspec
How to add new users to the engineering group
Instructions for establishing new user accounts, setting the appropriate permissions on the file server, and propagating changes to all project member machines.
By: ALastName Date: June 23, 1995 Distribution: Internal Formats: HTML Bookmark: HowToAddUsers
Prototype for feasibility study
Project output for Q1 deliverable.
By: Project Date: March 17, 1995 Distribution: Internal Formats: .zip (628 k) Bookmark: FeasibilityPrototype
File compression and decompression utilities for creating archives under Windows.
By: PKWare Date: March 17, 1995 Distribution: External, Shareware Formats: .exe (725 k) Bookmark: PKZIP
HTML web page (HyperText Markup Language) .ps PostScript .doc Microsoft Word .rtf Rich Text .zip archive file for Windows .tar archive file for UNIX